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Is Your Home Safe for Your Pets? Discover How an Air Purifier Can Transform Your Living Space
Is Your Home Safe for Your Pets? Discover How an Air Purifier Can Transform Your Living Space

Introduction As pet parents, we always strive to provide the best possible environment for our furry friends. From nutritious food to regular vet visits, our pets' health and well-being are a top priority. However, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is the quality of the air they breathe. Just like us, pets are affected by the air quality in...

Are Your Furry Friends Sneezing? Discover if Cats and Dogs Can Have Allergies and Why
Are Your Furry Friends Sneezing? Discover if Cats and Dogs Can Have Allergies and Why

Introduction Many families consider pets to be irreplaceable members. According to research, while 67% of U.S. households have a pet, allergies are a concern for 30% of Americans.1 10% to 20% of the population in the world is affected by cat and dog allergies.2 Cats and dogs can trigger sneezing, runny noses, and even asthma symptoms like wheezing. But allergies aren't just...

What is Pollen Allergy and How Do Smartmi Air Purifiers Provide Real-Time Relief? Your Guide to Tackling Seasonal Allergies Head-On!
What is Pollen Allergy and How Do Smartmi Air Purifiers Provide Real-Time Relief? Your Guide to Tackling Seasonal Allergies Head-On!

For spring allergy sufferers, the joys of warmer weather, birds chirping, and flowers blooming come at a price. Pollen allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, can turn the enchanting beauty of spring into a sneeze-filled, watery-eyed ordeal for those sensitive to pollen. In this detailed blog, we delve into the seriousness and prevalence of pollen allergies and...

Am I getting sick, or is it just allergies? Understanding the Difference Between Illness and Allergies in Spring
Am I getting sick, or is it just allergies? Understanding the Difference Between Illness and Allergies in Spring

Ah, the arrival of spring brings with it the blossoming of flowers, the chirping of birds, and for many, the dreaded onset of allergies. The change in season not only marks the beginning of warmer weather but also an increase in pollen levels, triggering sneezing fits, congestion, and itchy eyes for many individuals. Each season has its unique allergens. Tree...

Breathe Easy this Autumn with an Air Purifier and Humidifier: Combating Allergies
Breathe Easy this Autumn with an Air Purifier and Humidifier: Combating Allergies

Autumn brings picturesque landscapes and cooler weather, but it also comes with its fair share of allergens. While many people associate allergies with springtime, autumn can be equally troublesome. As the air becomes drier in autumn, allergies can become a common concern for many. However, with the help of advanced technology, we can create a healthy indoor environment that combats...

Fall Allergies: Understanding the Causes and Finding Relief
Fall Allergies: Understanding the Causes and Finding Relief

As the seasons change and the leaves start to turn vibrant shades of red and orange, many people find themselves battling fall allergies. The crisp air and picturesque scenery may be inviting, but for those affected, it can be a time of discomfort and frustration. It's important to understand the causes of these allergies and explore effective ways to find...

Smartmi Launches Mist-Free Evaporative Humidifier 3 for Whole Home Hydration
Smartmi Launches Mist-Free Evaporative Humidifier 3 for Whole Home Hydration

Smartmi High-Capacity Evaporative Humidifier 3: Pure, Mist-free, Uninterrupted Moisture and Comfort for Whole Home Hydration  Smartmi, a global pioneer of home appliance consumption upgrade, today unveils its transformative new Evaporative Humidifier 3, engineered to elevate air quality and convenience through category-redefining design effortlessly.  With mist-free natural humidification, a large 5L tank, 350ml/h humidity output, smart controls, and ultra-quiet operation, Smartmi...

What is CADR?
What is CADR?

The Clean Air Delivery Rate(CADR)is a standard index developed by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) in the early 1980s. CADR indicates the volume of filtered air that an air cleaner delivers, with separate scores for tobacco smoke, pollen, and dust. This figure is recognized by retailers, manufacturers, and other standard organizations in the industry of air purifiers. The higher the CADR...

What can we do to protect our family during the wildfire season?
What can we do to protect our family during the wildfire season?

The forecast for fire potential issued June 1 by the National Interagency Fire Center predicts that the potential for wildfires will increase to higher than “normal” this summer in Northern California, the Plains states, and Northern Rockies. Therefore, we remind people to be aware of the possibility of fires coming at any time as summer approaches, and how to protect...

What are the health and economic effects of wildfires?
What are the health and economic effects of wildfires?

Larger and more intense wildfires are creating greater potential for smoke production and chronic exposure. The occurrence of wildfires not only causes significant economic damage, but also increases air pollution in surrounding areas and may affect regional air quality, thereby endangering people's health. #1 Health Impacts Wildfires, and the resulting smoke and ashes, can cause: burns and injuries eye, nose, throat, and...

What is Wildfire?  What Causes Wildfire?
What is Wildfire? What Causes Wildfire?

Wildfires erupt in many places these days. The Oak Fire in California has forced thousands residents to evacuate as it threatens to destroy more homes and challenges firefighters amid steep terrain. This blog is to introduce some basic knowledge about wildfire, including causes and global map of wildfire. If you want to know more about wildfire, please scroll down!

Top 10 Questions about Smartmi VortexWave Robot Cleaner
Top 10 Questions about Smartmi VortexWave Robot Cleaner

Smartmi VortexWave Vacuum Robot Cleaner launched worldwide recently, and more than 100K dollars are funded in less than 1 day. This VortexWave robot is the latest innovation from smartmi, which can wash, mop, sweep and vacuum dirt, dust, debris at the same time. 

What's New to Homekit in iOS16?
What's New to Homekit in iOS16?

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference(WWDC) 2022 announced an upgraded Home app with iOS16 last week. The Home app gets a new categories section, a redesigned Home tab, and support for Matter.

Allergic to pets? Here’s how to live comfortably alongside your four-legged family members.
Allergic to pets? Here’s how to live comfortably alongside your four-legged family members.

If you’re an animal lover, you aren’t alone. Pet ownership in the United States has nearly doubled since 1990, jumping over 10% during the COVID-19 pandemic alone. Studies show that having a dog or cat in your home can lower stress and feelings of loneliness, even lowering the risk of high blood pressure. But as many already know, there can...

Smartmi Air Purifier P1
5 tips to survice the pollen season

Spring is here and so does pollen. Find out 5 top tips to help you survive the upcoming pollen season!